Sunday, February 5, 2012


    The Nevada primaries have given Mitt Romney an easy victory, which is not surprising to most but is surprising to me. If there is any state in the country that should have a vested interest in seeing Ron Paul win the nomination, it should be Nevada. The state of Nevada relies extremely heavily on freedom of states rights and civil liberties. It has the most lax gambling laws in the country and even has a county where prostitution is legal and regulated. To think that this same state would vote for someone like Romney is beyond me. I was encouraged to see Ron Paul do better than Rick Santorum this time around, hopefully this will send Santorum packing back to PA.
    The next primary, Maine, is a particularly exciting one for me because Paul has a very good chance of winning it and an almost guaranteed chance of getting second (if he doesn't win of course). None of the other candidates have been campaigning there except Paul and the people of Maine seem to like his message. The media has been picking up on this and can't ignore it. Putting Ron Paul's name in the same sentence as "competing with Mitt Romney" will bring more legitimacy to his being able to win. On top of that, if he can beat Romney in a primary I think people will begin to pay more attention to him.
    I have talked to so many people who voted for Romney because they think he can beat Obama but would've voted for Paul had he been "more electable." That people will vote for someone who is electable rather than on principle is baffling and terrifying to me, this ensures a parade of presidents who are the lesser of two evils. This also ensures more presidents who pander to whomever they have to to get elected and do more unconstitutional things, giving further power to the executive branch.
Jaryd Vartanian
Don't forget to follow me on twitter @jvrp2012

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